Marie Messina
Marie founded Collective Pulse (Perfectlovers) in 2009 after having worked as a consultant for an advisory agency specialised in change management for big companies (merger between ANPE and ASSEDIC, change in status for La Poste, rebranding of Sofitel-Pullman-Groupe Accor, etc.) and upgrading products, services and company-client relationships (Crédit Agricole, Pacifica, etc.)
Blending solid management techniques with the use of contemporary art allowed Marie Messina to obtain Airbusiness Academy (Airbus) certification in 2012 where she regularly organises workshops in leadership and management for Airbus managers.

Agnès Faucoulanche
Production Manager
Agnès joined Collective Pulse (Perfectlovers) in 2013.
After studying Communication and Management, she became a trainer and has worked with clients since 2016.
She is in charge of administration, sales and marketing and will be happy to provide any information you may need.