24th February 2015 at 8.50pm / Reprogrammed 18th March 2015 at 9.00am
Documentary by Martin Meissonnier “Happiness at Work”
Featuring a workshop entitled “Dreaming tastes and colours” by Perfectlovers for Poult in April 2014.
“We spend one third of our life at work, we may as well do it well! An unyielding hierarchy, strict working hours and a lack of information are just some of the factors which generate personal frustration and professional inefficiency.”
And yet, companies which use alternative managerial methods exist. Decisions leading to efficient organisation in the workplace are taken by the staff: the pyramidal system is banished, no overseers and no bosses, information is shared.
Featuring Agnès Faucoulanche from Collective Pulse (Perfectlovers) with the Poult team, including Didier Hirzig, the director of the company.